
Autor: Tóth Kristóf
Podklad: Kámen
Motivy: Figurální, Hudební, Moderní, Objekt, Portrét, Romantický, S dějem, Surrealismus
Technika: Bronz
Cena: 29120 Kč  
Rozměr v cm: 7 x 30 x 7
Kolekce: Tanec a hudba - bronzové plastiky
Rámování: Ne
Signatura: Ano

The saxophone was designed by the Belgian instrument maker, flutist and clarinetist Adolphe Sax in 1840.
Since he invented this great masterpiece, many legends of different generations have skillfully mastered this instrument and played it to absolute perfection.
The saxophone has gained popularity primarily in the genres of jazz, brass band and rock.
I think that the statue of a saxophonist will find its worthy place in the interior of a lover of any musical genre.

29120 Kč 1120 EUR

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