Siedlová Tatiana

Siedlová Tatiana
Jméno a příjmení:  Siedlová Tatiana
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The unique work of Tatiana Siedlova shows that genuine classical painting and the allegories of figurative expression are able to attract immediately. His works of art are a challenge not only for aesthetic judgment, but also for philosophical reflection. And, as we can see, this is the main advantage of the artist on the contemporary art scene. In constant social evolution, despite a series of new discoveries and knowledge, moral values ​​are disappearing from our world, increasing indifference and violence. In this situation artistic expressions play an irreplaceable role. An art that humanizes, and whose statements are also the points in question of the artist's message. In this sense, both the message and the creative action of Tatiana Siedlova are to be understood. The observer focuses on every work of Siedlova, and addresses the motivations of their actions and the meaning of life. Although in these works their bond operates the fusion of tradition, modernity, and distinctive artistic expression, all this is better known abroad than at home. The paintings are displayed in public and private collections, in Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Australia. The exhibition, set up by the Slovak Darte auction house in collaboration with various artists, offers art lovers the opportunity to expand their collection of works, technically very effective. Paintings are presented that deal with fundamental allegorical themes, through stylized portraits, nudes, still lifes up to animal depictions often in a humorous way.

The artist attended the University of Fine Arts and Architecture in Kiev, from 1992 to 1998. After completing her studies, Siedlova became part of the Union of artists of Ukraine and, later, of the Union of artists of Slovakia. In addition to painting, he is successfully engaged in organizing seminars and educational activities. He teaches artistic techniques and performs courses in multilayer classical painting. He develops talents and succeeds in helping the inface to understand the art world, discovering potential artists from Slovakia to Ukraine. In 2015 his works of art won the international jury prize for the exhibition dedicated to young Russian artists in Bratislava. The Slovak Republic has participated several times in the international competition of Fine Arts 'Premio città di Porto Sant'Elpidio', where Siedlova was awarded as the best artist. Also in Italy, he can also boast the participation in the prestigious international art prize 'Perla dell'Adriatico' 2012 and 2013, in Grottammare (Ascoli Piceno).

Like many artists, even Tatiana Siedlova had first to go through stages of investigation, experimentation and careful analysis to reach her personal artistic expression. This will ripen the artist as clearly as the vision of a beautiful portrait of an author. In fact, Siedlova believes in the power of individuality that respects the skill and art of the ancient masters. The models that inspire them are Rembrandt (especially his late production), Caravaggio, Goya and Russian artists such as Repin and Kramskoi. Hence, the attraction of the pictorial technique that is used in the unique form of the Slovak contemporary art scene. Artists dominate this effectively preserved classical technique. As the ancient masters have superimposed a layer of blue Lazur color to another to obtain new specific colors. The refraction subsequently intensifies the impression of depth, transparency and plasticity. A technique that requires a high degree of discipline, effort and patience, words that are absent in the contemporary art scene. The glow of the Old World illuminates their work not only for the classical technique, but also for the style of the period. Allegories, metaphors, modern interpretations of ancient stories always contain a bit of dramatic romanticism and performing arts. The artist manages the representation of unpredictable characters through which he addresses the question of individual and social relationships. In this way, the painter connects the visually perceptible world with the super-sensible or imaginary world. With elegance, the works of Tatiana Siedlova are able to include realism with the sense of perception and abstract poetics of symbolism.



1992 -1998 University of Fine Arts and Architecture

Bibliografie a filmy:


2015. International competition "World Art - 2015". Slovakia, Bratislava. Premium of international criticism.

2014. Italy. International competition with the support of the President of the Republic of Italy "PREMIO CITTA’ DI PORTO SANT’ELPIDIO"

2013.Italy. International competition with the support of the President of the Republic of Italy "PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE D’ARTE “PERLA DELL’ADRIATICO”

2012. Italy. International competition with the support of the President of the Republic of Italy "PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE D’ARTE “PERLA DELL’ADRIATICO”



2017. Gallery "DARTE".

2016. Slovakia, Gallery " Art".

2016. Slovakia, Gallery "Max".

2016. Slovakia, Gallery "Artin".

2015. Prague, Czech Republic, DNM Gallery.

2015. Czech Republic, Liberec, Regional Research Library.

2015. Prague, Czech Republic, which organizes DARTE GALLERY partnership with Playboy, Fashion TV.

2015. Exhibition-auction "Erotic in art", DARTE GALLERY, Slovakia.

2015. International Exhibition "World Art - 2015", Bratislava, Slovak gallery of radio and television.

2014. Slovakia. Bratislava. Gallery "SVU". Exhibition "Christmas Atelier"

2014. Slovakia. Personal exhibition in gallery "ArtIn" 

2013. Italy. International Exhibition Art.

2013. Slovakia. Bratislava. Exhibition "Christmas Atelier"

2012. Italy. International Exhibition Art.

2012. Slovakia. Trnava. Exhibition "Erotic"

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Díla autora

Moji malí ptáčci

Siedlová Tatiana

72800 Kč2800 EUR

Moje sny sa plnia

Siedlová Tatiana

40040 Kč1540 EUR

Rozlučka z detstvom.

Siedlová Tatiana

43680 Kč1680 EUR

Good luck.

Siedlová Tatiana

34580 Kč1330 EUR


Siedlová Tatiana

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"Ideál krásy".

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Siedlová Tatiana

91000 Kč3500 EUR


Siedlová Tatiana

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Štěstí osudu

Siedlová Tatiana

54600 Kč2100 EUR


Siedlová Tatiana

61880 Kč2380 EUR


Siedlová Tatiana

47320 Kč1820 EUR

"Alice v říši divů".

Siedlová Tatiana

61880 Kč2380 EUR